Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Smarter products in the home: The future of wellness devices

Biopharma companies are looking beyond launching drugs to launching solutions. Solutions include the use of devices and programs with the drug. Whether it is ideas such as J&J's iPhone app for diabetics or simple glucose monitors it is clear that probability of achieving the health outcome can be improved significantly.

To understand consumer experiences with and expectations around the “wellness devices,” IBM’s Institute for Business Value surveyed over 1300 consumers most likely to be familiar with such devices: people who are living with chronic illnesses or who are caregivers. The survey was conducted in both the U.S. and U.K., yielding views of consumers who access different types of health systems.

The study is not published yet though.. it will be launched at a webcast on April 21, 2010 9:00 am - 10:30 am EDT. You can register for this webcast through this link.

The webcast will share:
  1. What types of wellness devices are being used today?
  2. What types of wellness devices would consumers like to see, and how much are they willing to pay for them?
  3. What factors influence consumers’ device selection?