Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Cloudy" Forecast for Clinical Cloud

Despite the odd title, the future of IBM's clinical cloud is clear blue!

Linked to this post is an interview that Paul Papas and I did with Kevin Davies. Paul Papas, runs IBM’s life sciences consulting group. Paul started the interview by explaining what IBM means by "smarter" and I included it in the blog here as I think this is a great way to understand the way IBM is thinking about the future in Life Sciences.

Paul Papas: "I’m sure you’ve seen our ‘Smarter Planet’ TV ads. The key message is: the way we live and interact in the world today is unsustainable... To be ‘smarter’ about how we do things we need to implement processes and solutions that are more instrumented, interconnected, and intelligent. Likewise, the way that many life sciences companies operate and perform today is unsustainable. They need to be ‘smarter’ about three things. 1) Innovate smarter, to find new products and therapies to bring to market. 2) Engage smarter, to change how they engage with customers and to figure out their future role in the health care ecosystem. And 3) Operate smarter, change their fundamental operating models and look beyond their four walls to drive maximum efficiency and cost savings. When you think about those things—Innovate smarter, engage smarter, operate smarter—cloud computing is the perfect enabler to operating ‘smarter.’

Link to the full article here